Treat all users with respect. Offensive language, bullying, harassment, or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated.
Keep conversations relevant to the chat’s purpose. Off-topic discussions may be redirected or removed.
Avoid sending repeated messages, excessive emojis, or promotional links. Spamming disrupts the chat experience for others.
Don’t share personal information like phone numbers, addresses, or passwords—yours or anyone else's.
Sharing of explicit, violent, or illegal content is strictly prohibited and will result in a ban.
Keep conversations family-friendly. Profanity and inappropriate language may lead to account restrictions.
If you encounter a problem or see someone breaking the rules, report it to moderators instead of engaging.
Pretending to be another user, staff member, or public figure is not allowed and may result in suspension.
Respect any guidance provided by moderators to ensure a positive chat environment.